Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday 7/23

In the interest of getting this posted, I'll let the pictures tell the tale:

Technical Glitches

Between trouble with my cell phone pictures and our internet connectivity, I've fallen VERY behind in my daily updates! Also, I've been taking fewer pictures because all the tech problems have made them difficult to process - so the next few entries will be very pared down, but you'll still get an idea how we're spending our days. Thank you for your patience!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wednesday 7/22

Movie Day! We went to see the Bee Movie - always a favorite with kids. Then we had time to go back to the house for a nice lunch time, before we headed to the library for craft time - we made puppets out of kleenex boxes. Keigon made a lobster and Piper made an Owl-Duck. When we got back to the house, we used coloring pages from the movie theater to make bee puppets. Then we draped blankets over the railing to upstairs and did puppet shows until it was time to go home.

Jokey the Owl-Duck

Henry the Lobster

Piper made a whole range of
backdrops for the puppet theater

Tuesday 7/21

Another lovely fall July! The rain was pouring down so hard, we didn't want to go out at all! So we took advantage of how dark it was outside and had another "private movie screening" by special request. We have to return our "Osmosis Jones" DVD pretty soon, so Piper & Keigon wanted to watch it once more before it gets sent away. We put "Evan Almighty" in (another special request) and had it running while we played. At the end of each movie, they play awesome dance music, so we also had our own little dance party.

When the rain slowed, we ventured outside and went all the way to Walmart for apple juice and daycare supplies - it gave us a chance to walk around and stay dry, and the kids got to have input on the foods for our upcoming lunches and snacks.

Then it was back to the house for some games and Littlest Pet Shop. Instead of swimming, we invented a game we call "Hall Bowling"...

Keigon loves Osmosis Jones

Everybody Dance Now!

Piper at the craft table guarded by Zuki

setting up for hall bowling

Monday 7/20

We finally had a non-cold, non-rainy, almost summer-like day! We took advantage of the beautiful weather by staying outdoors as much as possible! We took a morning walk with Zuki to play in the park down the street. Then we packed up our lunches and went to Thomas Park for a picnic. We played outside at Franklin during music lessons, then headed to the pool when we got back - hooray for warm weather and sunshine!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday 7/17

Ok, by Friday my camera and PC issues had peaked, and I was only able to snap two photos. We had music lessons at 10:30 AND 1:30, so spent a lot of time driving back and forth. We did squeeze in a visit to the library for their African Cinderella story and craft time. We made puppets of the dancing princess. When we finally got home from all our lessons, we decided to pick a movie to watch. We couldn't agree on just one movie, so the girls watched "Duck Tails" upstairs and the boys watched "Wall-E" downstairs. We had popcorn and shut the blinds and turned off the lights and pretended we had our own private movie theaters.

Thursday 7/16

A Busy Day! Music lessons 1:30 as usual, but first we hit Half Price Books for our reading rewards, and we also managed to squeeze in a balloon artist show...

Piper spends her $3 on a watercolor book

Haley & Harrison help Keigon spend every last cent

Justice finding something to read

The balloon show was PACKED - lucky we got there early!

Smile, Harrison!

after the show, each kid got a balloon to take home

time out to pet Zuki

Wednesday 7/15

MOVIE DAY! Today's movie: Hotel for Dogs

got our kids' trays


a long wait until the movie starts

we had to sit in 2 rows -
Piper & Keigon sat where I could see them

Sprinkles gave us dogs!

After lunch & music lessons, Keigon went fishing with his dad and I took Piper to the library for a special craft. Harrison waited outside the classroom and read. We love the Hiawatha library - it has something for everybody and lots of great kids activities all summer long!
