Monday, July 20, 2009

Thursday 7/9

Okay, between our Mediacom connection never working when I have 5 minutes to post a blog and Verizon making me jump through horrific hoops to finally get pictures from my camera, I've fallen way behind. To catch up, the next several updates will be brief and mostly pictures with captions - thanks for your patience!

a practice carnival in the basement to prepare
for the upcoming Kids Party in August

Piper mans her post

Keigon returns from Harrison's tape maze

prizes from our "to garage sale" tub

Haley passes Piper on the tape maze

Justice won some tickets

counting tickets

Outdoor time during music lessons

What time is it, Mr. Fox?

a visit to the critters at PetCo

Justice helping Keigo look at lizards

posing for the camera


Ta-Dah! Turtles!

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