Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday 7/21

Another lovely fall July! The rain was pouring down so hard, we didn't want to go out at all! So we took advantage of how dark it was outside and had another "private movie screening" by special request. We have to return our "Osmosis Jones" DVD pretty soon, so Piper & Keigon wanted to watch it once more before it gets sent away. We put "Evan Almighty" in (another special request) and had it running while we played. At the end of each movie, they play awesome dance music, so we also had our own little dance party.

When the rain slowed, we ventured outside and went all the way to Walmart for apple juice and daycare supplies - it gave us a chance to walk around and stay dry, and the kids got to have input on the foods for our upcoming lunches and snacks.

Then it was back to the house for some games and Littlest Pet Shop. Instead of swimming, we invented a game we call "Hall Bowling"...

Keigon loves Osmosis Jones

Everybody Dance Now!

Piper at the craft table guarded by Zuki

setting up for hall bowling

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