Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monday 6/15 & Tuesday 6/16

We got an air hockey table at a garage sale - the playroom isn't ready for it, yet, so it's right in the middle of our living room for now - the kids love it!

Monday 6/15

We went to the Barnes & Noble Summer Kickoff - fun activities included face painting, balloon animals, craft tables, temporary tatoos, a scavenger hunt, taekwando demonstration, a preview of "Schoolhouse Rock" by TCR Lindale, and each child received a free book!

After lunch, we headed over to the Hiawatha Library, to sign up for their summer reading program, and to attend a Summer Safety presentation. We learned about a police officer's job, and bicycle safety.

We got back in time to do some crafts before we headed over to the pool.

Tuesday 6/16

In the morning we went to see the Movie "Madagascar 2" at Collins Road Theaters. There were so many people there it started SUPER late! We just had time to race home for lunch before we packed up our books and took Harrison to his Cello lesson at Franklin. We used lesson time to practice "quiet reading", so we could mark off half an hour on our reading program charts.

When we got back to the house, each child chose a book for Stephanie to read aloud. After reading time, we got out some toys and games and had free play time the rest of the afternoon. We were very disappointed not to go swimming, but still managed to have a great time together!

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