Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday 6/17

What a HOT day! We kept busy and managed not to get heat stroke, at least!

We started the day with a nice walk / run in the neighborhood. We got so exhausted, we fell asleep on the picnic table (at least long enough to snap a photo)!

after some free play time, we got busy with a special secret painting craft project

after painting, it was time for lunch.

after lunch, we took Harrison to his cello lesson at Franklin, and played on the nearby playground while we waited for the lesson to be over

when we got back to the house, we played with Littlest Pet Shop toys, and learned how to play "Treasure Quest" - a game of counting, spatial quantification & strategy that's fun for all ages

Piper got picked up early in the afternoon, and Keigon decided he wanted to watch the first part of a movie before we finally headed to the swimming pool. Meanwhile, Harrison was busy with his own project and also didn't want to race to the pool the second we had the chance. How ironic that they wanted to go swimming so badly yesterday, and finally on a day so hot that everyone in the city seemed to be at the pool, our kids wanted to wait until later!

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