Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday 6/23

We headed to Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Center first thing in the morning, to make Toad Adobes and then tour the facility. It was EXTREMELY hot, but we did handle the heat well enough to explore the wetland trail (using our umbrellas to keep us in the shade!)

learning about toads

touching a real toad!

listening politely

Piper's soon-to-be-toad-adobe

finally the artistry begins

Harrison paints waves


our finished toad adobes

indoor fish and reptile exhibits

replica of a Wickiup that the Native Americans used to live in

statues of Native Americans from 150 years ago

Harrison wandering among the natives

what're you pointing at?

oh, that (ancient fisherman)

trying out the owl wing

timeline on a cross-section of tree

Piper colors a deer picture

they let us use their tables indoors for our picnic

making a donation

Piper loves the calf "statue"

...and the big flying bird

Now we explore the Wetland Trail

Heading to the main building to retrieve our bags & head home

Harrison got to use the computer practice program during his cello lesson. The rest of us enjoyed the air conditioning in the cool hallway and rested up/read our books. When Harrison's lesson was over, we went back to the house and got ready to SWIM!

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